Monday, December 12, 2016

My pal, artist and poet Diana Magallón, made this illustration to accompany my poem “Janes.”

Jane is taking that which cannot be opened
Jane, that uses no words

this is taking Jane into the nameless
and, into the naming of Adam and the earth

Diana writes: “Ilustración realizada para el poema ‘Janes’ contenido en el libro The Valise del poeta y artista Gregory Vincent St. Thomasino.

Hay amigos a los que siempre es grato volver a encontrar.

A los del muro para acá, felices fiestas, y a los del muro para allá también.”

“Illustration made for the poem ‘Janes’ contained in the book The Valise by the poet and artist Gregory Vincent St. Thomasino.

There are friends who are always happy to meet again.

To those of the wall here, happy holidays, and those of the wall there too.”
