E·ratio Editions.
E·ratio Editions, a series of elegantly produced, quick loading e-chaps featuring poetry, innovative narrative prose and recollection and critical and theoretical essays.
Just published: #1. In the Bennett Tree. Gregory Vincent St. Thomasino joins John M. Bennett “In the Bennett Tree.” Collaborative poems, images, an introduction and a full-length critical essay pay homage to American poet John M. Bennett.
"Eaten" from In the Bennett Tree.
Off your edgy blonde / stiff / “couch” talk—
cure(-ator’s) unsaid (maid) docent, ’er
heaven’s bent-more norm(atic) jerkings (“leg show”)
behind the screen and off the hedge flaunt.
I sought, I mouth’d all through EATEN cank’r
for the curator’s plastic buttocks. Tall & dominant.
(Face it, Miss Sanders, it’s your neotorso.) No
concrete assurance in this “rubberite’s” world, but
diap’r’d elders’ emissions (“commodity”), style
tribes, “tight-lacing,” catsuits, “our master key.”
E·ratio Poetry Journal and E·ratio Editions, edited by Gregory Vincent St. Thomasino.
E·ratio publishes poetry in the postmodern idioms with an emphasis on the intransitive.